Happy 1st Day of Fall! (…Right??)

always think the first day of fall is September 21st…but everyone is saying it’s today so I guess I’ll go along with that. But I’m pretty sure it’s the 21st. Anyway. Happy pumpkin everything season! I have a confession…I don’t love pumpkin. I would never order a PSL and I don’t like pumpkin pie. I mean, I like pumpkins themselves, for carving and decorative purposes, but not in my food or drinks. But I do love other fall things. Scarves, boots, pretty leaves, Halloween candy…because they’re small and that makes it ok to eat 5 in a row. Or 10 depending on things. We’ve gone to a few pumpkin patches over the last couple years and I can’t wait to go again this year. Apple cider, fudge, hayrides, PUMPKINS…can’t be beat. Another fall favorite of mine are the Christmas markets. So many cool local goodies at those things. I make my own cards for every occasion…like a friend or family member would be really insulted if they received a store bought card from me. I’ve always wanted to rent a table at one of these fall/winter markets to see how my cards do…but I always seem to forget that I basically need to start making cards as of January 1st so that I have enough worth displaying. Ok then, New Years Day 2016, I better get busy!

This is from last fall. Isn’t he handsome??

2015-09-23 08 01 01

And here’s Ryland modeling some of his fall wardrobe. I have no sense of style when it comes to myself, but I love dressing this little dude up. His sweater (which I have a matching one of) was locally made by a family owned company called Whistle & Flute and his bandana bib was also locally made by paperairplane.ca. I loooove their stuff and love that it’s local.


I can’t even handle how cute he is. I’m totally not biased or anything ;).

Well, as they say, less is more and I’ve rambled on enough. Enjoy this beautiful 1st (?) day of fall and I’ll see ya later!

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