Simple Ways to Move Your Butt

Hi there!

I discussed the importance of exercise in my last post, and it might have gotten a few eye rolls, but I hope it also offered some encouragement.

I understand that life is busy and that it can be really difficult to find the time to exercise. Between a 10 hour work day (which includes my commute), getting dinner and lunches ready, hanging out with my kiddo, walking Parker, cleaning the house….and ahem…watching The Bachelor, sometimes the last thing I want to do is work out. But I do it anyway. I look at it as a part of my schedule, just like brushing my teeth. And I feel much better because of it. There’s never a time when I’m like “dammit, I sure wish I skipped that workout!” It could also have something to do with my intense stubborn streak…I’m a Taurus so there’s that.


I’m making myself sound like some hardcore athlete/gym rat here which is totally not the case. Since Ryland was born, I actually only go to the gym about 3 days per week for an hour tops. I do a spin class on Monday nights and about 30 minutes of cardio + 15 minutes of resistance training mixed with a few pilates moves on the other 2 days. There was a time in my life that I was at the gym six days per week, 2 hours per day. I can guarantee that part of history won’t be repeating itself.


About once a week I take Parker for a 5k round trip hike close to our house. It’s quick and easy, but I always get my heart rate up and break a sweat. The other days mainly consist of lots of walking. And I am a FAST walker. I could never go for a leisurely stroll, my legs just won’t let me. I pop Ryland into the baby carrier for some of our walks to add resistance (26+ lbs to be exact!).

Point is, I move everyday. I take stairs instead of elevators and I walk at any available opportunity. To and from the train station, on my lunch breaks, around the office a couple times a day to stretch my legs. I get all twitchy if I sit too long. Sometimes I’ll just randomly do some squats. I used to do them while holding Ryland…but that’s getting a little too difficult these days ;).


Ok, ok, so now that I’ve covered what I do, let’s talk about what you can do!

  • If you loooove vegging out in front of the TV, do jumping jacks during commercial breaks. Or sit-ups. Or squats. Or all 3.
  • You can also do one or all of these things during bathroom breaks.
  • If you have a set of stairs that is accessible to you, climb them once a day.
  • Park your car at the far end of the parking lot.
  • Put on music and dance!
  • Follow workout videos on YouTube or buy your own.
  • Walk, walk, walk. If your destination is within walking distance, walk there!
  • Get a pedometer. You’ll be more inclined to move if you’re trying to reach a goal.
  • If you work at a desk all day, write/set little reminders to get up and stretch your legs here and there.
  • Love dogs? Thought about getting one? Do it! They’ll get you out walking everyday!
  • Join something. Always wanted to try salsa? Yoga? Go for it! It all counts as exercise!
  • Get a workout buddy. Encourage and motivate each other to stick with it.
  • Explore the outdoors. Find local trails and hikes and get out there. There’s nothing better than fresh air and dirt under your feet. (Well, under your shoes).
  • Live by the mountains? Go snowshoeing or skiing. Live by the water? Go for a swim. (Assuming the water is clean and warm-ish). I love swimming but I’m not a fan of public pools so I try to get to some nice lakes during the summer.
  • Sign up for a walk/run for a good cause and start training for it.
  • Get a trial membership to a gym. Give it a few sessions before you decide to sign up.


Once your start incorporating little bits of physical activity into your daily routine, it will get easier and easier and you’ll continue to add on to those little bits. You’ll start to feel better and that right there is one of the biggest motivators to continue moving. It’s never too early or too late to start. I also find that the more active I am, the healthier my food choices are.


I try to do bits of exercise in front of Ryland and I also make sure he gets outside everyday (unless it’s even too miserable out for Parker). One of my biggest mom goals is to make sure Ryland knows just how important it is to be active. When I was a kid, I was always outside. Rollerblading, swimming, riding my bike, playing soccer or softball, running around with friends. Sure I watched a bit of TV, but it was never my first choice and my parents made sure of it.

With all this being said, I’m also human and I definitely have moments or days when I’m just a lazy sloth. And we’re all allowed that once in awhile. If I go away on a tropical vacation, I do not step foot into the hotel gym. I say I will, but I don’t. You’ll find me on the beach or at the pool bar, thanks. With high-calorie margaritas and snacks in hand.


This was taken on our honeymoon in the Bahamas a few years ago. There was most definitely a Corona in front of me!

This post was meant to be encouraging and motivational…I very much hope that it was!


Have a great day :D.


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