And Then There Were 5

Unbeknownst to us at the time, there were actually 5 of us in this picture, not 4.


Baby #2, currently the size of a peach, is due at the end of July. That’s right, I’ll be big and super pregnant during the hottest time of the year, counting down the seconds until I can get momentary relief (between contractions) in the ac’d hospital.


There have been a few differences with this pregnancy. With Ryland, I had very mild, almost non-existent nausea which I only really noticed once or twice. I was definitely super tired during the first trimester with him, but my energy came back with a vengeance at week 13.

This time around, from weeks 6-9, I had pretty bad morning all-day sickness. As you know, I love my morning smoothies but during that time, I had to choke them down. Nothing was appealing to me and all I really wanted to eat for the most part was soup and crackers. I take a commuter train to and from work every morning which felt more like a roller coaster each day. A coworker of mine actually guessed I was pregnant before I even said anything because I was basically green in the face. My digestive system was also totally out of whack. I’d eat a small/normal amount of food and feel bloated, full and uncomfortable for hours after.


Thankfully that started to subside for the most part right around Christmas. It would’ve been really lame if I was too sick to indulge on turkey and cookies. I didn’t really notice any tiredness, other than the usual from staying up later than I should. If I was extra tired, my toddler kept me too busy to notice.

I’m in my second trimester now and aside from my pants getting tighter, I’m really not having any major symptoms.Although, if I get up too quickly, I get pretty dizzy and have to hold onto my desk or something close by for a minute, which is probably due to increased blood volume and low blood pressure. Other than that, I’m feeling good!

Symptoms aside, something else that makes this pregnancy a little different is that it wasn’t planned. It wasn’t a huge shock, but we kind of thought we’d wait a year-ish. And to be honest, a whole lot of panic and stress followed that positive pregnancy test. My main concern is whether or not I can finish school before baby comes. I have until September to complete the program but it will be a hundred times more ideal if I can get it done before the end of July. We also live in a small condo and will definitely need to upgrade…but those of you that know the Vancouver housing market also know that it’s kind of a huge nightmare. And lastly, there’s the financial aspect. Let’s be honest, kids ain’t cheap!

OK…and a possibly very irrational concern is that I just won’t love this baby as much as Ryland. I love that guy more that I could’ve ever imagined and I just haven’t figured out how it’s possible to love two people that much. But according to everyone it is, so I’ll just go with that.


OK, ok, one more. I also know what labor feels like now…!!!

With all that being said, we’re really excited. We knew we wanted a second child and while this may be a little sooner than expected, I feel extremely blessed. They’ll be close in age and hopefully best buds (when they’re not beating each other up). Poor Parker though, now he’ll have two kids harassing him all day! Ryland uses him as a stepping stool, a couch, a leaning post…whatever suits him.

My entire pregnancy with Ryland was pretty uneventful, up until delivery day. There was a whole lot of drama which has me a little concerned about round 2. But I’ve rambled on enough for today so I’ll get into that in my next post or shortly there after.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day :D.


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