
Hi! Welcome to My Little Lemon Tree!


I’m Shannon and this is where I’ll be sharing stuff that I think is useful, interesting or just plain awesome. Here are five quick facts about me…these are likely the things most of my posts will relate to:

1) Wife to Duncan, mama to Ryland, and dog mama to our floppy-eared boy, Parker.

2) I’m currently studying to become a Registered Holistic Nutritionist.

3) My teenage years and early 20’s were the opposite of nutritious. This is a big part of why nutrition is so important to me now. You can read more about this under My Road to NutritionI also get a little more personal over at A Touchy Subject.

4) A few of my favorite things are:

  • LEMONS!!!
  • Ice cream. From Dairy Queen. Like I would pick it as my last meal on earth.
  • Reading. (Major bookworm over here!)
  • DIY projects and arts & crafts. (I may spend a little too much time on Pinterest…)
  • Hiking, swimming, soccer…most things outdoorsy.
  • Dogs, particularly Parker because he’s the best dog there ever was. You can check out his bio here.
  • Ryland!!!! He’s pretty much everything. Don’t tell hubs and dog.

5) I start EVERY. SINGLE. DAY with a glass of lemon water. You can read more about my lemon obsession under My Love of Lemons.

I’ve thought about starting a blog for a while now. I was going to wait until I finish my program and pass the final exam (fingers crossed!), but I figure regardless of the outcome, I still have a lot to share in the meantime. I hope you’ll find my posts somewhat useful…or at the very least that they don’t put you to sleep!

2 thoughts on “Bio

  1. Pingback: Smoothies & Pallet Projects | my little lemon tree

  2. Pingback: FriYAY! | my little lemon tree

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