Beat it, Cancer!

Hey hey! How was the weekend for ya? Awesome, I hope. Mine was pretty good. Did a little baking, hiking, wine tasting…as in the better part of an entire bottle. Fine, the entire bottle. I also participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure yesterday in support of a coworker of mine that is unfortunately battling breast cancer. She’s just started chemotherapy but managed to make it down to the event to see us off. I admire her strength and courage so much. I can’t imagine how terrifying it must be to have that monster in your body. My aunt beat breast cancer earlier this year, thankfully. I know too many people affected by it in some way. I wish cancer was a person so that people could beat the living you-know-what out of them. Seriously, just BEAT IT, cancer. No one likes you anyway.

The event itself was pretty amazing. The weather was absolutely perfect and the energy was so positive and humbling. And so much pink! The best was seeing so many grown men wearing tutu’s. Two thumbs up to them. I brought Ryland with me….he slept most of the time but here we are just before the finish line:


Other highlights of my weekend included a Saturday morning hike with 2 of my favorite dudes. Let me tell you, it is HARD WORK going uphill with 25 lbs strapped to your chest.


And because I did all that hiking and walking, I felt like I really deserved this:

Good thing I burned a bunch of calories because I’m too embarrassed to even tell you how much of this I ate. Did I share with Duncan? Nope! Did I hide it in the back of the freezer so that he doesn’t finish the tiny bit that’s left? Quite possibly.

Oh, we also went to my nephews first birthday on Saturday. There were about 8 kids, although it felt like 50. Such a sweet group of kiddies though. Most of us parents are friends from high school so it’s really awesome to watch our next generation together. Getting a decent picture was basically impossible, but at least they’re all in it!


And here’s my jellybean.


I just love him so much. It’s ridiculous, actually. And I love bandana bibs almost as much. makes the BEST bibs for such a reasonable price. And it’s great to support other mamas.

Wow, I didn’t realize I had so much to talk about! I better leave it at that for the day. Have a good one!