How I Tricked My Toddler Into Eating Brussel Sprouts

Before anything else, I’d like to take a minute to address the horrific events that took place in Paris on Friday. My thoughts and prayers go out to all those that have been affected. It’s impossible to even try to understand how mankind can perform such unspeakable acts on one another. I truly hope that those who are broken and suffering during this time can find comfort in the arms of others. Pray For Paris, Pray For Peace.

* * * * *

I did it again. I deceivingly snuck veggies into Ryland’s dinner. How, you ask? In the form of Brussel Sprouts Grilled Cheese Sandwiches! We looove grilled cheese around here (who doesn’t?!) so it just made sense. I mean you can sneak just about anything into them. Little green bits were visible, but Ryland chowed down anyway. I also put a few whole Brussel sprouts on his tray which he sort of nibbled and poked at, but he didn’t toss them across the kitchen which is a win in my books. Hopefully he’ll take after his mama and decide that he loves them one of these days. Seriously, I. LOVE. BRUSSEL. SPROUTS. Weird, right? Anyway, it was a super quick and basic dinner, but they were good enough that I feel like I should share the recipe with you. Oh, and the healthy factor doesn’t stop at the added greens! Instead of smothering the bread with butter, I used cold-pressed coconut oil. Another win. The butter was not missed.


Brussel Sprouts Grilled Cheese Sandwiches ~ 2 sandwiches


  • 4 slices bread of your choice
  • cold-pressed coconut oil
  • garlic powder
  • slices of cheese of your choice ~ enough to fill sandwich
  • 6 cooked Brussel Sprouts chopped into very small bits


  1. Spread coconut oil on all four slices of bread and sprinkled with garlic powder.
  2. Sprinkle chopped Brussel sprouts on bottom pieces of bread and cover with cheese slices and top pieces of bread.
  3. Grill your sandwich!*

*Use whichever method you prefer for the last step. I usually alternate between a frying pan and sandwich maker but this time around, I used our Hamilton Beach grill. So you might even call it a panini :).

I steamed quite a few Brussel sprouts and decided to grill the rest along with the sandwiches. I tossed them in coconut oil and garlic powder and popped everything onto the grill at the same time. If you do decide to use a grill, I set mine at 375 and let everything cook for about 5 minutes. The results were cheesy, garlic-y, and deee-licious! I don’t use our grill often…honestly because it’s kind of a pain in the butt to clean, but it always makes the perfect sandwich…or panini…whatever. And I love the lines that get grilled into everything! It’s like bbq-ing for cheaters :D.

I also made a batch of my Blueberry Banana Oat Mini Muffins. They make the perfect addition to Ryland’s lunchbox for daycare and I snack on them here and there as well. With a little (LOT) of peanut butter…you know, just for the added protein ;).


We had our mini photo shoot yesterday and I can’t wait to see the pictures! I’ll be sure to share a few when I get them.

The usual Monday things are calling my name so off I go. Have a great day!